"The Purpose of Life is to Live It."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Small batch roasting ensures that your coffee is as fresh as possible. Freshness makes a huge difference!

Our beans are grown in the Atitlán region of Guatemala. The high altitudes and rich, volcanic soil create the perfect environment for these specialty-grade Arabica beans. Shade-grown means sustainable farming that is better for the environment.

The farm families we buy from set their own price - no haggling from us! This means families, just like yours, can earn a living and not be subject to a cycle of poverty. We know these families personally and have traveled to work with them.

" Love this coffee. The only one I use."
- Linda
" I ordered my first bag of Megan's Mission coffee beans and love it!"
- Debbie
" This coffee is soooo good. (And I consider myself a bit of a coffee snob btw.)"
- Debra
" Great coffee for a great cause. I need to place another order!"
- Charlotte
" This coffee is amazing!! Highly recommend!!"
- Amy